Social Approved as a TOKYO Workstyle Reform Declaration Company by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government


We received recognition from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as a TOKYO Workstyle Reform Declaration Company.

Ceres is pleased to announce that we have been approved as a TOKYO Workstyle Reform Declaration Company in the Promotion of Workstyle Reform initiative that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is promoting to increase incentives to improve the working conditions and paid leave offerings of companies operating in Tokyo.

Ceres will continue to create a comfortable work environment for employees that allows them to switch on and off from work.


We shall create a work environment that allows employees to switch on and off from work, enabling a more modern workstyle.


Improvement of working conditions
Aim for an average of 20 hours or less per person per month in overtime working hours.
Improvement of leave style
Aim for employees to take 70% or more of annual paid leave.

Initiative Details

Improvement of working conditions
In the middle of the month and at the end of the month, data on total working hours will be provided to managers to ensure that they manage the working hours of their members.
Improvement of paid leave
  • Data on the usage of annual paid leave will be provided to managers, and the HR department will inquire with employees who did not take enough annual paid leave.
  • Managers will take the initiative to create working conditions and working environments that facilitate employees' use of annual paid leave.

TOKYO Workstyle Reform Declaration Company: Ceres Inc.


Context surrounding creation of the TOKYO Workstyle Reform Declaration

The TOKYO Workstyle Reform Declaration Company system is a program in which the Tokyo Metropolitan Government recruits companies to make a Workplace Reform Declaration in order to increase incentives for working conditions reform among companies in Tokyo. It also provides various types of support for improving working conditions and paid leave offerings.

Companies that have made this declaration set goals and initiatives for the next two to three years to reduce employees' long working hours and promote the use of annual paid leave, etc., in a written declaration, and make company-wide efforts to achieve them.

As a mid to long-term growth strategy, Ceres will not only strengthen its existing media, but also launch new media and expand into O2O business.

We intend to place greater emphasis than ever before on diversity in the staff responsible for such growth strategies.We believe that by bringing talented people to Ceres from various backgrounds who can influence each other, new and unprecedented ideas will be born.

We also believe that we need to encourage more diverse working strategies than ever before to realize such ideas.In order to make Ceres a place where talented people with various backgrounds can play more active roles, we plan to continue to implement various initiatives into the future.This Workstyle reform declaration is a part of these initiatives.