Governance Privacy policy


Established on September 28, 2007
Revised on March 1, 2023

Ceres Inc.
Satoshi Takagi, President and Representative Director

Ceres Inc. (hereinafter "we") is mainly engaged in two areas of business, the Internet Media Business and the Internet Job Advertising Business, with the aim of becoming a company that "realizes a prosperous world through Internet marketing." We are acutely aware of the importance of protecting the personal information we receive from customers through our services in this increasingly advanced information society. We will continue to thoroughly educate our executives and employees in ethics to protect personal information.

In addition, we have defined the following items as our privacy policy. We declare that we will always pay attention to evolving social demands and make company-wide efforts to continually improve our personal information protection management system, etc.

1. Matters concerning the acquisition, use, and provision of personal information

  • (1) Personal information shall be acquired, used, and provided in an appropriate manner. Personal information acquired shall not be used for any purpose other than the intended purpose and measures shall be implemented to avoid its use for any other purpose.
  • (2) When outsourcing the handling of personal information, we will select a subcontractor that meets our personal information protection standards, conclude an outsourcing agreement to protect personal information, and thoroughly implement appropriate management and supervision of the subcontractor.

2. Matters concerning the safety of personal information

  • (1) We will implement reasonable safety measures to prevent accidents such as loss, damage, or leakage of personal information, and correct any problems.
  • (2) If a customer requests a notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, or refuses to provide or let us use their personal information, the person in charge will respond promptly. We will respond only after confirming the identity of the individual, and will prevent unauthorized falsification of personal information by third parties.

3. Matters concerning compliance with laws and regulations

  • (1) With regard to the handling of personal information, we will comply with Japanese laws and regulations, guidelines established by the government, and other rules concerning the protection of personal information.

4. Matters concerning the handling of complaints and consultations

  • (1) We will respond promptly to complaints and inquiries regarding personal information.

5. Matters concerning continuous improvement of the personal information protection management system

  • (1) Our personal information protection management system will continue to improve as relevant laws and regulations are revised and social conditions change.

>> Personal information handled by us

We are working to appropriately protect personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. We will notify you of the personal information we acquire or retain for the purpose of our business as follows.

(1) The name and address of the business operator handling personal information and, in the case of a juridical person, the name of its representative

  • Company name:
    Ceres Inc.
  • Representative Director:
    Satoshi Takagi
  • Address:
    Shibuya Sakura Stage Shibuya Tower, 21 Floor 1-1 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

(2) Name, title, affiliation, and contact address of the personal information protection manager (or his/her agent)

(3) Intended use of personal information

The purpose of use of personal information we handle in our business activities shall be as follows.

1)Retained personal data

Type of personal information

Purpose of use

Business partners' information

For business management, communication, billing and payment management

Employee information

For work related to employee management (business, labor, personnel management, payroll, welfare, etc.)

Information on applicants for employment

For recruitment-related work (providing information on recruitment, making decisions on recruitment, communications, etc.)

Information on retirees

For contacting retirees and responding to inquiries from retirees

Query person information

In response to inquiries

Information of an individual (requesting disclosure of information, etc.) or agent

In response to requests for disclosure

In addition, the purpose of use shall be as specified separately in documents.

2)Other personal information acquired

Type of personal information

Purpose of use

Personal information acquired through entrusted operations

For use in contracts and related communications, outsourced operations and after-sales support, etc.

Information acquired from recruiting sites

To judge and notify job applicants as to whether they will be hired

(4) Measures taken for secure management of personal information

In order to handle personal information in a strict manner, we have formulated regulations concerning personal information based on a privacy policy that conforms to JIS Q 15001 and are operating the personal information protection management system.
In order to ensure the proper handling of personal information, we have taken safety management measures from four perspectives: organizational, human, physical, and technical.